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  • sabrinakay2

Can you stand the rain?

Pain and Rain.

One different letter, two different meanings, but similar sound.

Everyday somewhere in the world it is raining and everyday someone in the word is in pain.

Some people do not like the rain as much as they do not like to be in pain.

I feel like they are connected.

Rain looks like tears coming from the sky and pain makes you often cry.

Rain can last for days or few minutes, as well as the pain. There are no colors for pain and rain, right? There are no exact feelings for rain and pain, right?

Then, Can you stand the pain?

Maybe the pain is different. It can hit you mentally, hit you physically. Rain slips over you, wets you and then it is forgotten. Pain can rarely be forgotten. Maybe it goes away, but it is not forgotten. And sometimes it never goes away, it is your scar, the mirror to look at, your long term memory.

As pain, rain follows you even when you don't want to be followed. Sometimes is gentle and sometimes is not.

If you imagine a bad day, would it be raining?

Pain makes you stronger, they say. Rain, patient.

There are no coincidences for pain and rain, right? There is no limit for rain and pain, right?

Then, Can you stand the rain?

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